Unbreak Your Life Compass

Reviews of Unbreak Your Life Compass

Written very simply, this non-fiction is one of my favorites. Unbreak Your Life Compass is very relatable and well written, perfect for anyone who’s looking to positively change their life. 
Also, at the end of each chapter, there’s a section of reflection questions that help you not only better absorb what you just read, but also explore and get to know yourself better (which is a vital step when wanting to change your life. If you don’t know yourself, your habits, etc., you won’t know HOW to effectively change.)
Overall, this was a very encouraging read. From reading about the author’s personal experiences, you can see that, no matter how hopeless your current situation is, you can still get to a better place and live your dream life.

Violet Perry (Just a Bookish Blog)

This book gives a positive, detailed map of how to take control of your life once again, or for the first time if that is the case. Easy to read, but dives deep and makes you evaluate the direction you are headed and what you really want. Written from a Christian viewpoint, this book will speak to everyone without pushing “religion” on you. Great for those trying to escape debt or financial crisis, as well as any other type of issue that is making you veer from your destiny. Highly recommend.

Amazon Customer Review


There’s a Call on Your Life

The world needs who you were meant to be.

You know in your heart that God has something meaningful for you to do but the cares of everyday life have drowned out your dreams. You find yourself stuck in a job that drains your energy and is unfulfilling. Disappointment in life, lack of finances, and trying to measure up to everyone’s expectations of you have left you lost in a dark forest with a broken compass and little energy to find your way out. You’ve felt more hopeless and discouraged than you do motivated to change your life.

  • Calibrate Your Compass section includes introspective questions at the end of each chapter
  • Practical strategies for taking control of your finances and eliminating debt
  • Spiritual insights on finding your value, understanding the Calling on your life, and living your purpose

This book is about finding out who you are, exploring the desires God has put in your heart, and the practical steps to changing how you live so you can begin to pursue a purposeful, meaningful life. The author shares her story and encourages you to begin looking at your life differently – to help you see your value as God values you.

There are also practical steps to coming out of debt and implementing positive change in you life. This is not a get-rich-quick book. This is hard work that yields lasting value to your life and those around you.If you’re ready to break free from an unfulfilling job, gain a new understanding of your value, and navigate to a meaningful, fulfilling purpose then–

It’s time to Unbreak Your Life Compass.

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